Cutzilla Series 2
I created a custom for the Cutzilla Series 2. They have been released, download yours today.
coming soon
onesheetsnotenuf is a paper toy site that makes godzilla-sized designs that can’t fit on one sheet. Because some toys out there are ridiculously small and impossible to make unless you have infant hands, we make all our toys large enough to accommodate all levels of dexterity, including those of you with fat kid fingers.
I created a custom for the Cutzilla Series 2. They have been released, download yours today.
i’m currently working on a new design for the site. i hope to have to up soon… also new paper toys are in the works. hope to have them up soon… keep checking back for more updates.
i’m working on a gallery for onesheetsnotenuf. if you have created any of the toys. take a picture and email it to me @ and i’ll post it into the gallery.
download the halloween blokhed zombie to add to your collection.
1 day until halloween.